Discover the benefits of refreshing your digital image

Knowledge is power

While many companies will focus heavily on the visual aspects of your site, it is really the ethos behind your company that provides the most insight. Whether you’re selling products, a service, or providing information, finding an emotive angle to connect with your customer base will strengthen your brand and build brand loyalty.

To do this successfully your web design partner needs to fully understand the brief. Not just the instructions, but also the motivations behind them. An experienced project manager will know the right questions to ask, and be able to convey your USPs and ethos through the design language they use. The imagery, written content, and design will all compliment each other in a way that not only does your brand justice, but also elevates your digital presence.

Better for you. Better for your customers

If your website doesn’t already incorporate responsive design, then you’re already at a huge disadvantage. The amount of users viewing your site through their smartphone or tablet is increasing every year. It’s imperative your site delivers an equally impressive experience regardless of the device or browser used.

A redesign will also save time. Your website's visitors will benefit from faster loading pages, improving their experience, and making them more likely to stick around. Your digital team will save time (and therefore money) when updating the content or performing any site maintenance.

To deliver added security, usability, and reliability, selecting a great CMS is crucial. Using high quality software like Siteglide, built with Adobe technology, gives you the peace of mind knowing your site is using software from one of the market’s leading suppliers, and you will benefit from the high levels of compatibility and support you would expect when using one of the most recognisable brands in tech.

Little things make big things happen

While people will experience your new site as an overall experience; whether your site engages visitors in the right way is often down to much smaller differences. While anyone can learn the fundamentals of web design by taking an online course, the experience and knowledge required to successfully implement a winning design are much harder to come by.

Experience teaches the importance of two crucial factors:

Attention to detail – The web is saturated with well-designed sites, and quite often the deciding factor is down to the smallest of details, often ones the user is consciously unaware of. Working with an agency that prides itself on attention to detail and has a robust quality control process in place can give your business the presence and gravitas of a much larger corporation.

Quality – Much like traditional craftsmen, quality comes from maximising every single material and process throughout the whole build. Quality is a commitment and attitude, one that shouldn't be compromised, and this is reflected in the work completed for our customers.

David Edwards

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