Predicted Web Development Trends For 2018

Predicted Web Development Trends For 2018
With digital technology evolving faster than it ever has before, anyone working in areas such as web development needs to look to the future and what trends are likely to be popular this year, so that any new sites they develop are not outdated before they are even launched.
Single Pages Websites
These are usually very long, and have links within them to different sections. Viewers like them because it means they can see everything without having to move from page to page, they load quickly and they are simpler to use. From the perspective of the client they are good because they allow the order things are seen in to be dictated by them, and they cost less. From a developers point of view they are easier to produce and ideal for smart devices, which is one of the most important aspects of any website currently being developed.
Visual Content
In the days before the Internet, magazines and TV knew the importance of good imagery and spent fortunes on getting good quality pictures for their advertisements. Visual content is proving to have the same effect online and more websites are relying on images and videos than ever before. This is partly because today’s technology allows imagery to be produced very cheaply, and even making a video will not break the bank. Users are more likely to view a video than read pages of text, and this makes them more appealing to website owners.
Online Support
The days when you needed a team of people to provide 24 hour customer service support have disappeared. Chatbots, which are computer software that can speak to us or send us messages, give websites a constant point of contact.They are able to direct users to the right information or pages, and answer straightforward questions. As more and more sites utilise Chatbots, so consumers are becoming familiar with them and this will lead to the expectation of all sites to have them.
Static Websites
Static websites are making a comeback. Of course they are a whole lot more advanced than the days in the infancy of the Internet when all websites were static. Some brands like the fact that they show the same fixed content to every viewer. They are secure, load quickly and relatively inexpensive to create. For developers, they are not as labour intensive as the old static websites, and should not be compared to them. The name might be the same, but otherwise they are very different.
There is Even More
These are not the only things changing in web development by any means. Among the many other trends are push notifications, motion user interface and progressive web apps, all here to make the user experience as smooth and seamless as possible.
If you are looking for a new website, or to refresh your existing one, we can assure that at WYSI we use all the latest digital technology to create the best online presence for you. Why not call and have a chat on 0118 212 1401.