The new Wysi site launches!

A few months ago we decided it was time to refresh our website, despite it helping us continue to grow year on year. There were a few reasons for the change but the main one being the opportunity to use the latest version of our CMS: Siteglide.

You might say that as a digital agency we don't need a CMS, we can just edit code, but Siteglide is far more than just content management. Siteglide allows us and our clients to automate various marketing activities from promoting blog posts to communicating with prospects and clients. We decided what better way to show our clients how this can be done than to do it ourselves. We're practicing what we preach and this post is written directly into the Blog WebApp in Siteglide. 

So the new site uses WebApps to control much of the content. This is Siteglide's secret weapon and takes the concept of a Content Management System to a new level. WebApps are essentially databases that separate content from code meaning you just add the content and Siteglide does the rest. You can write a blog post, add it to a category and it will automatically be sent to that list of subscribers as part of your monthly newsletter or appear on your social media feeds.

Anyway, back to our new website! Have a browse around the new site, the work section shows a selection of our projects that we're pretty proud of, so that's a good place to start. Do feel free to get in touch and let us know your thoughts on the site and where it can be improved. We're constantly updating the Wysi blog based on industry advancements and changes so perhaps join the mailing list to keep in the loop?

Luke Wakefield

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