London based Corporate Hospitality firm




September 2016


UI/UX - Bespoke Development


The Brief

During the initial meeting we discussed the current site and what they wanted to improve. We went through our Discovery process with them and helped determine 3 objectives: 1) Increase the visibility of their site, 2) Increase website conversions and 3) Give DTB more control of their website.

Their competitors were very active online and DTB were being held back by not being able to easily update content, packages, pricing etc. There were also quite a few issues with usability and the site was not structured to allow users to drill down into specific events or sports.

Responsive Website Rebuild with large Events Database & SEO

DTB approached us to help them get more from their website primarily from a Search Engine Optimisation perspective. After going through the Discovery process with them it was clear that the current site required considerable work and instead it was better to rebuild it as a responsive website into the Siteglide CMS with SEO at the core.

We went through a strategy and design process focussing on user experience their ideal customers. This resulted in considerable improvements to Google Analytics results including number of visits, bounce rate (reduction) and time on site. Mobile stats improved considerably as well as rankings.

The Strategy and Solution

We proposed to rebuild the website into our Siteglide CMS and make use of the WebApps feature throughout to give DTB easily editable database items that make up the majority of the site. This has huge benefits for SEO and usability because there is a set, optimised design that follows a well designed layout. Building the website with SEO at the core and with usability in mind we were able to increase traffic, time on site and conversions within a matter of weeks of go live and have helped DTB grow organically ever since.

The well built and optimised website allowed us to then start our content marketing and SEO service for DTB to help grow their online profile and overtake their competitors into the top positions in Google. We have since built additional websites for DTB including a Wimbledon specific site and their DTB Premier Rewards site.


Comments from the team

Working with DTB is a really interesting and rewarding project as we were able to review where their old site was not working, present a solution and implement it with the desired results. We're continually working with DTB to assist them with ongoing management and improvements as well as marketing campaigns.

We have also rebuilt their dedicated Wimbledon website and DTB Premier Rewards which has helped ensure continuity throughout their online presence and ease of management through Siteglide.

Luke Wakefield - Partner

The Technology

Siteglide enabled us to create the right blend between design, development and marketing while ensuring the client has total control over the day to day running of the site. The fact that Siteglide is far more than a CMS means we can build complex databases far quicker than on other platforms or from scratch saving the client money and helping us focus on usability and quality.

With SEO being built into the core of Siteglide we can also be sure that a rebuild will help improve SEO results and allow us to get the most from our marketing strategies.


The outcome for Client

DTB have a website that they have total control over that generates regular enquiries and helps reduce time spent on the sales process by providing the customer with the necessary information online.

The outcome for Wysi

We have enjoyed helping DTB vastly improve their online presence not only in look and feel but the numbers that back it up in terms of traffic, bounce rate, time on site and conversions. We work closely with DTB to help them push specific campaigns such as the 6 Nations or Wimbledon. It's extremely rewarding to see the results of our work since 2014 and look forward to working with DTB to grow further still.

Discuss a project with us - call us on 0118 212 1401

0118 212 1401