A video based news website for the construction industry


The B1M


October 2020


UI/UX - Bespoke Development


Wysi are a joy to work with. As an online media publisher, our website is the core of our business and user experience is critical. We're almost continually adding to, iterating and improving our site. Wysi provide a dedicated, personal service. They understand exactly what we're after and use their skills to deliver it for us. Our business simply wouldn't be where it is today without them!

Fred Mills

The B1M

The Brief

We first started discussing The B1M as a project with Director, Fred Mills, back in 2012 when it was a concept and business plan. He had a clear concept of what was required and he provided the design concepts for a bespoke website to be built into Siteglide.

The website needed to focus on the video viewing experience and allow users to find content quickly and easily. It also needed to allow The B1M to subtly promote other content and sponsor material while still ensuring brand integrity.

Users would need to register on the site and create a profile for other users to view but the main focus is a clean and simple video viewing experience.

A bespoke, responsive, database driven website built into Siteglide

The B1M is a great example of how our Siteglide CMS can be used for far more than basic websites and is completely customisable to both bespoke design and functionality. We have worked with The B1M from a startup concept all the way to where they are today. They are a rapidly growing video channel for the construction industry.

Our ongoing support ensures that The B1M are constantly adapting and improving their offering while Siteglide gives them the day to day control without requiring our assistance. Our WebApps feature of Siteglide is perfect for the video showcase as they can easily create new items by managing content not code.


The Strategy and Solution

This project suited Siteglide extremely well and allowed us to really get the most from the platform by combining the CMS with the CRM, secure logins, custom databases (WebApps) and completely bespoke design. Working with the Youtube API and creating a slick video viewing experience was the biggest challenge as Youtube impose limitations on what can be done.

Building the user registration and login area was far quicker using Siteglide than it would have been with another platform which meant we could reduce the cost of the project and focus on the bespoke user experience. The WebApp databases give The B1M total control of the content and make it extremely quick and easy to manage.


Comments from the team

The B1M is an exciting project to be involved in from the bespoke design to the Youtube API integration. We worked to the brief and delivered the project on time. Since go live the growth of The B1M has meant we've been working on new features and improvements regularly. It's great to see the site evolve!

Dean Vizer - Lead Developer

The Technology

This is a great example of where technology empowers design and development not only to create a unique and powerful visitor experience but also the ease of management for the client. Siteglide is so much more than a CMS and having a CRM and custom databases built into an incredibly robust, secure and reliable platform enables us to do so much more than build websites.

The B1M are able to take charge of the whole website and manage the day to day changes with peace of mind that they have an agency there to help develop the platform and assist them with any improvements, issues or changes.


The outcome for The B1M

The B1M have more than a website, they have a complete platform that their business is run from and their continued success is fantastic to see. We believe this project really embraces our core values of delivering the best digital solutions we can but backed up by technology that empowers the client to do more.

The outcome for Wysi

We've been working with The B1M since 2012. They're a fantastic client to work with and the strong relationship has helped us ensure not only a successful launch for the website but that we've been able to help them grow and adapt along the way. We're proud to work with Fred and the team on such an exciting and fast moving project.

Discuss a project with us - call us on 0118 212 1401

0118 212 1401